Quarantine Activities to Keep you Entertained at Home

Quarantine Activities to Keep you Entertained at Home

The global COVID-19 pandemic gave us all a big portion of that extra time. Some of us adapted pretty well but for some being in quarantine and having too much free time can be frustrating.

The first days were amazing! Waking up whenever we want, having Instagrammable breakfast, preparing delicious and time-consuming dishes, cleaning the wardrobe and watching our favorite series on Netflix.

But after a few days, you start to walk between the couch and the fridge, you’ve seen all the new movies and you start to miss being surrounded by anything else than the walls of your apartment.

If you are bored, not so motivated or just lazy, this article is something you have to read! In this blog post, we gather all the possible quarantine activities you can do at home depending on your mood, which will save you from being bored and keep you entertained no matter how long we all have to be stuck inside!

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Fun Quarantine Activities

1. Improve your cooking skills

Remember this dish you always wanted to try? Now is the time! If you are looking for some interesting recipes, we recently discovered this vegan book “The Global Vegan” by @elsas_wholesomelife.

Quarantine activities

2. Play a board/ card game

There are soo many options! Some of our friends are real game freaks and they introduced us to the “Cards against humanity“. It is a party game in which players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using offensive words or phrases.

3. Watch a movie marathon

This is a perfect time to do some popcorn and catch up on all these romantic comedies… 🙂

4. Plan your next gateway

I know… we can’t travel right now, but what about the future? Learn more about that tropical destination, research the best hotels and activities and yes, read all these travel blogs filled with tips & hints!

5. Who doesn’t love Puzzles?

200, 500 or 1000 pieces! Completing big puzzles always makes us feel great.

6. Workout

You don’t need to go to the gym to move your body! There is a lot of apps and youtube videos that you can set on and follow at home. Dress your favorite sportswear and sweat it out!

7. Call your family & friends

Catch up with everyone! Skype, FaceTime or Messanger – you can do group video calls right now!

8. Bake cookies

Try this new healthy, low-fat recipe that won’t make you feel bad about eating sweets 😛

9. Learn how to dance

Do you have TikTok? If not, download the app and learn some viral moves 😉 and don’t forget to follow us there!

10. Learn a new language

There are several ways to learn a new language but we believe the easiest way is with the Duolingo app. 15 minutes a day doesn’t hurt anyone 😛

11. Have a theme evening

You were supposed to travel to Spain but your plans got canceled. Why not arrange a Spanish tapas night? Wine & olives sound like fun?;)

12. Play the Adventure Challange

We recently got their couple’s book and believe us it is soo much fun!

Quarantine activities

Creative quarantine activities

1. Print out your favorite pics

Choose some of your best shots and frame them to display them around your flat! We love our posters & gold frames set in our living room right above our couch.

2. Karaoke

Sing out loud (before 10 PM :D)

3. Listen to  podcasts

This is a great thing to do if you are a multitasker. Listen to your favorite podcast meanwhile cooking or organizing your flat. Here you can find a list The 64 Best Podcasts You Can Listen To In 2020 by Esquire.

4. Have an indoor picnic

Light on some candles or Christmas lights and set up your favorite snacks on your beach towel. You can also do that on the balcony.

5. Draw/paint

You have finally that time to create! Watch a YouTube tutorial and practice. You can get all the necessary materials like paints, canvas, and brushes online! Here you can find a list of 13 YouTube Channels to Teach You How to Paint for Free.

6. Macrame

This boho trend stole our hearts! During our 3 months stay in Bali, we saw this decoration in every villa or cafe. Pauli recently got her first macrame cord and started to learn how to do it watching Pinterest tutorials.

7. Do some online courses

In our case, we love to improve our social media marketing knowledge and keep updated with new trends.

8. Make a photobook

Organize your photos and design your customized photo book!

9. Download an app

Download an app you’ve been curious about.

10. Create a new Pinterest board.

Check ours for some travel, fashion, food inspirations 🙂

11. Delete apps

Delete apps you don’t use from your phone.

12. Shop online!

We knew you gonna love that one 😀

13. Give an old piece of furniture new life.

Do you have an old chair that never quite fit? It could become something else. DIY it!

14. Look for a place to volunteer.

Maybe you can help to deliver food supplies to the most vulnerable?

15. Start a garden (or kitchen garden).

Plant your favorite herbs to use on your dishes 🙂

Relaxing Quarantine Activities

1. Read a book or listen to an audiobook

Transport yourself to another world 🙂 We just finished ‘Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fck‘ by Mark Manson 😀

2. Light up your favorite candles

Our favorite smelly ones are from Chesapeake Bay.

3. Have a spa day

Paint your nails, take a bubble bath and put a face mask. Have you tried the one from New York Biology? It works for all skin types, including dry, normal, oily, combination, sensitive, and irritated.

4. Meditate

Listen to a meditation video that will guide you to reach inner peace.

5. Try yoga

This is a very trendy topic right now. If you are willing to try to check this guide!

6. Sit on the balcony and listen to the sounds of nature

Grab your favorite cup of coffee, sit on the comfy chair and relax.

Organizing Quarantine Activities

1. Organize your wardrobe

Are there some clothes you don’t wear anymore? Maybe you can donate them to the ones that need them.

2. Clean the drawers

Yes, that messy one where you keep storing the unnecessary things 😛

3. Change up your home decor

Change the position of your furniture and give your home a new, fresh look!

4. Clean the refrigerator

No one likes to do this but now it’s the right time.

5. Clean out your purses

As the season change, so do our purses. While switching between bags, we all leave stuff in the bottom (receipts, gum wrappers, pens, etc)

6. Wash your sheets

Wash your sheets and enjoy sliding into fresh one’s tonight.

7. Clean your windows.

We use this window cleaning tool.

8. Wash your makeup brushes.

When was the last time you cleaned all of your makeup tools? Here is the product that I use.

9. Organize your kitchen.

Take out everything from your drawers and review all the unnecessary tools.

10. Clean your white shoes

White shoes fit with every outfit, but only if they stay with that color 😛

11. Make a list of personal or professional goals

We usually buy a new notebook every year and list our goals or daily/weekly/monthly tasks there. You can get a cool one here.

12. Clean out your social accounts

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

13. Clean up your emails

That’s all folks if you think we forgot any activity and you would like to add it on our list of quarantine activities, drop us a comment below.


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