Where everything begins

Where everything begins

Hi everyone!
This is where everything begins 😀

We are really excited to be writing our very first entry blog!! The first post of many to come.

A lot of decisions were made and finally we made it. We are about to go on our first big trip overseas. 101 days in Southeast Asia!! WOW We can’t really believe it!

At the moment, we are preparing ourselves for this adventure. Mapping routes, researching places to visit and taking care of vaccines, visas and travel insurances. Soon we will let you know all about this through our blog, but for now, we want to invite you on this journey and share our traveling experiences, joys, fears, thoughts and above all, our moments of yūgen.

See you soon and happy travels,
Pedro & Paulina

Know more about us.


  • ref
    | Reply

    Hi! That will be great! Trust me it’s whole lot of fun and exciting people out there!

    I’ve been here in south East Asia for past 600 days, never get bored or lost but there are lots of shit things too!

    Currently I’m tight with money do going to find a work!

    Happy travelling mates!

    • Moments of Yugen
      | Reply

      Thank you, We are really looking forward to start our travel!
      Good luck on finding a work 😉

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